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May 25, 2014 Day #102 by Janet S. Tiger Night Stallion Monologue Mania
Night Stallion
by Janet S. Tiger
c) May 25, 2014 all rights reserved
[email protected]
(A mother comes out onstage – we know she is a mother because she has her ‘mother is concerned’ look on – and sits in a chair.)
(Soothing) There, there, my dear boy, you’ll be fine…..no need to cry – everything is all right. What seems to be the problem that required all this yelling and crying at three in the morning?
I see…..another nightmare….
Hmm……and the monster was how big?
(She looks up)
That must have been right through the roof! But see, no holes, no monster…..
(Listens, sighs)
Well, I can stay for a minute, to make sure the monster does not have a return ticket, but maybe it’s time I shared something with you…(secretive)…you are not the only one who has been visited by monsters……not the only one with …..nightmares…..
That’s right, me. You know I was the youngest, too, just like you. Only I have six brothers and sisters, and they would torment me……and even worse! When my parents were out,…..they let me watch scary movies!
And I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, just like you do! My mother was not very sympathetic- you know how grandma can be! - she would tell me not to be a silly goose, and go back to sleep. That was not very much help when there was an army of horrible demons right under my bed!
Now you never knew your grandpa because he died before you were born, but my father was a bit more sympathetic. Unfortunately, he was usually away on business, so it fell to my mother, who would only comfort me once, and then leave me to whimper with the lights on – not very helpful at all!
One night my father and mother had gone out to a restaurant because he had just come back from a business trip, and my siblings – you know how Uncle Jeremiah can be!- teased me until I watched first Frankenstein and then Bride of Frankenstein! I could barely close my eyes, but somehow, I did, and all the characters from the movie came to visit my dreams!
(She illustrates how she hid under the covers)
But hiding did nothing, they knew I was there! I screamed and my mother came in to find out what the problem was…..and I told her and she said, (mother’s voice) ‘Don’t be a silly goose, there’s no such thing as monsters! Go back to sleep!’
And I tried, but somehow, Frank and his bride were there! I screamed again, and this time my father came in…..and he gave me a present I am going to pass on to you.
First, he listened, and then he told me that when I had a nightmare, what I really needed to fight back was a…Night Stallion.
What? I asked him?
(As father) ‘It’s simple,’ he told me, ‘a mare is a female horse, good for some races, and gentle rides, but you need a stallion to fight back!’
That sounds a little….silly, I told him.
‘No sillier than monsters – you see, your brain has created the monsters, they can also create the protector. Here’s what you do……close your eyes. Imagine the monsters.’
But I’m afraid they’ll come get me!
‘You’ll have to trust me’
(She scrunches up her eyes)
…..and so I closed my eyes. There they were, big as life! And they were out to get me!
‘Now,’ my father said, ‘you can see the night stallion, he’s right there, in front of you….quick….what does he look like?’
I don’t see anything!
‘Of course you do – you created the monsters, now create the stallion….what color is he?
He can be any color you want….’
Purple! I want a purple stallion!
‘Can you see him?’
But somehow purple did not seem to be a very good color – so I saw a black stallion, just like in the movies, and it had on purple colors, just like the horses at the racetrack…..
‘It’s a big horse, right?’
And it was! Bigger than any other horse I’d ever seen!
‘And look closely….it’s rearing up to protect you from the monsters……it’s hooves are so sharp, they will stop anything out to get you!’
It was amazing, there in my mind was a horse to defend me, my own personal Night Stallion!
He rose up on his hind legs and the light shown off his sharpened hooves and the monsters fled! I was safe! It worked every time…..and it will work for you, too.
Can you see your stallion?
Good! He will take care of anything that bothers you…..it’s working already, I can see your eyes are half-closed, and you don’t have to worry at all anymore. Because….
(She leans over, pats a head)
… ….when you get older, and there are real-life monsters that bother you……bullies, teachers, bosses, family, friends…..a problem that seems so big that it is larger than the house……you can close your eyes and find that stallion again…. you can find the sharpened words you need to defend yourself, or the sharp actions to prevent someone from harming your family……because….. the stallion is in you……use him well, my son, he is a great defender…….sleep tight……
(She tucks in the child, then stands to exit, stops and looks up)
And thanks again, Dad, for my night stallion.
(She exits.)
If you follow the directions….(The end).......of nightmares
Note for San Diego based actors- On June 6th, there will be a meeting at Scripteasers, the longest running new-play reading group in the country (maybe the world!) of selected monologues from this first 100+. To see blurbs on all the monologues, http://www.monologuestore.com/monologue-mania-blurbs.html For more info Scripteasers.org, and to read one of these monologues that night, please contact – [email protected]
Janet S. Tiger 858-274-9678
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8
- for a whole year!
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
scroll down for the previous days or go to http://www.monologuestore.com/ -click on the Monologue Mania button please scroll down.
To start at the beginning - Feb. 13, - click here.
For a list of the blurbs from each day, click here
Help a playwright and get more great award-winning monologues - MonologueZone.com
Thank you for your comments - and for liking and sharing this site
May 25, 2014 Day #102 by Janet S. Tiger Night Stallion Monologue Mania
Night Stallion
by Janet S. Tiger
c) May 25, 2014 all rights reserved
[email protected]
(A mother comes out onstage – we know she is a mother because she has her ‘mother is concerned’ look on – and sits in a chair.)
(Soothing) There, there, my dear boy, you’ll be fine…..no need to cry – everything is all right. What seems to be the problem that required all this yelling and crying at three in the morning?
I see…..another nightmare….
Hmm……and the monster was how big?
(She looks up)
That must have been right through the roof! But see, no holes, no monster…..
(Listens, sighs)
Well, I can stay for a minute, to make sure the monster does not have a return ticket, but maybe it’s time I shared something with you…(secretive)…you are not the only one who has been visited by monsters……not the only one with …..nightmares…..
That’s right, me. You know I was the youngest, too, just like you. Only I have six brothers and sisters, and they would torment me……and even worse! When my parents were out,…..they let me watch scary movies!
And I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night, just like you do! My mother was not very sympathetic- you know how grandma can be! - she would tell me not to be a silly goose, and go back to sleep. That was not very much help when there was an army of horrible demons right under my bed!
Now you never knew your grandpa because he died before you were born, but my father was a bit more sympathetic. Unfortunately, he was usually away on business, so it fell to my mother, who would only comfort me once, and then leave me to whimper with the lights on – not very helpful at all!
One night my father and mother had gone out to a restaurant because he had just come back from a business trip, and my siblings – you know how Uncle Jeremiah can be!- teased me until I watched first Frankenstein and then Bride of Frankenstein! I could barely close my eyes, but somehow, I did, and all the characters from the movie came to visit my dreams!
(She illustrates how she hid under the covers)
But hiding did nothing, they knew I was there! I screamed and my mother came in to find out what the problem was…..and I told her and she said, (mother’s voice) ‘Don’t be a silly goose, there’s no such thing as monsters! Go back to sleep!’
And I tried, but somehow, Frank and his bride were there! I screamed again, and this time my father came in…..and he gave me a present I am going to pass on to you.
First, he listened, and then he told me that when I had a nightmare, what I really needed to fight back was a…Night Stallion.
What? I asked him?
(As father) ‘It’s simple,’ he told me, ‘a mare is a female horse, good for some races, and gentle rides, but you need a stallion to fight back!’
That sounds a little….silly, I told him.
‘No sillier than monsters – you see, your brain has created the monsters, they can also create the protector. Here’s what you do……close your eyes. Imagine the monsters.’
But I’m afraid they’ll come get me!
‘You’ll have to trust me’
(She scrunches up her eyes)
…..and so I closed my eyes. There they were, big as life! And they were out to get me!
‘Now,’ my father said, ‘you can see the night stallion, he’s right there, in front of you….quick….what does he look like?’
I don’t see anything!
‘Of course you do – you created the monsters, now create the stallion….what color is he?
He can be any color you want….’
Purple! I want a purple stallion!
‘Can you see him?’
But somehow purple did not seem to be a very good color – so I saw a black stallion, just like in the movies, and it had on purple colors, just like the horses at the racetrack…..
‘It’s a big horse, right?’
And it was! Bigger than any other horse I’d ever seen!
‘And look closely….it’s rearing up to protect you from the monsters……it’s hooves are so sharp, they will stop anything out to get you!’
It was amazing, there in my mind was a horse to defend me, my own personal Night Stallion!
He rose up on his hind legs and the light shown off his sharpened hooves and the monsters fled! I was safe! It worked every time…..and it will work for you, too.
Can you see your stallion?
Good! He will take care of anything that bothers you…..it’s working already, I can see your eyes are half-closed, and you don’t have to worry at all anymore. Because….
(She leans over, pats a head)
… ….when you get older, and there are real-life monsters that bother you……bullies, teachers, bosses, family, friends…..a problem that seems so big that it is larger than the house……you can close your eyes and find that stallion again…. you can find the sharpened words you need to defend yourself, or the sharp actions to prevent someone from harming your family……because….. the stallion is in you……use him well, my son, he is a great defender…….sleep tight……
(She tucks in the child, then stands to exit, stops and looks up)
And thanks again, Dad, for my night stallion.
(She exits.)
If you follow the directions….(The end).......of nightmares
Note for San Diego based actors- On June 6th, there will be a meeting at Scripteasers, the longest running new-play reading group in the country (maybe the world!) of selected monologues from this first 100+. To see blurbs on all the monologues, http://www.monologuestore.com/monologue-mania-blurbs.html For more info Scripteasers.org, and to read one of these monologues that night, please contact – [email protected]
Janet S. Tiger 858-274-9678
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8