Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free monologue a day
- for a whole year!
Note: A few words about 'free' - all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty info.
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
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Monologue Mania Day # 166 by Janet S. Tiger The Cones of Ice Cream July 28, 2014
The Cones of Ice Cream(c)
A monologue by Janet S. Tiger
© all rights reserved [email protected]
(A woman eating an ice cream cone is seen finishing the final licks, then popping the tip into her mouth and smiling.)
Ice cream. Summer. You can't go wrong with either of them!
Thanks for walking on the boardwalk with me! I just love this time of year! And in a few minutes they'll have the fireworks! Just like when I was a kid. Only not as long, or as wild, but nothing is the same when you're taller and older, is it?
When I was a little girl, my grandfather used to take us for ice cream whenever he made a few extra dollars at his store. He loved ice cream! He was actually a young man in St. Louis, just here from Russia a few years when they had a World's Fair and the first walk-away cones were invented. He claimed he was the first boy to eat an ice cream cone, but I think that was an exaggeration......he was known for that.
But his love for ice cream was certainly not exaggerated! He would call out for me and my brothers and sisters (imitating Russian accent) 'Come along children, we are the Cohens of St. Louis and we need to get the cones of ice cream!'
My name was Miriam Cohen.....I was the middle child. And his love of ice cream had passed on to all of us, but I got it the worst. I would race to be first in line for the favorite flavor of the week. My older sister Ella only ate chocolate, and David was a vanilla guy, but me, I loved all the flavors, as long as it was cold and fit in a cone!
My mother was horrible about ice cream, she did not understand it at all. Sometimes, because there were seven of us, she would take one of us out all by ourselves, no one else to get any attention. And we could do whatever we wanted. I always picked...you guessed it! Ice Cream!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! That was the jingle they played at my favorite ice cream place, and my mother would always ask, 'Are you sure you just want ice cream? Not a hamburger? Or a club sandwich at Levine's Deli?' Which is, of course, what she wanted! But I insisted on ice cream, and I would get a triple scoop! And then my mother - who always claimed she didn't like ice cream, so she didn't get her own - would ask if she could have a bite.....
(She looks up in fear)
And how I could say no? I mean, she had paid for the ice cream, how could I deny her just one bite.....so I would say....(like a child) ...ok, mama, but just a little bite....
(She holds up her 'cone' to a much larger mother in the sky)
And there would come her huge slathering lips! And they would come down and.....
(She looks at the cone in horror)
Suddenly, there would be no more ice cream! Just some at the top of the cone......but that was all! I would be horrified, but at least what was left was delicious. And I swore I would never do that to my children.....
(She whirls around, looking down at a child)
Then....I had children and I learned a lot about many things, but about ice cream, suddenly I learned about.........(to the child) ....that's melting dear, you have to lick faster....it's getting all over your arms and your clothing and EAT FASTER!
But I didn't say it out loud....what I said was......
(Looking down at her child, sweeter now)
Honey, may I please have just a little bite of that....it looks so good!
(She leans in and opens her mouth very wide.)
Mmmmmm.....and suddenly I was the huge slathering lips!
(To the child)
There's still lots left - and you have the whole cone! Wait come back, I just want another tiny bite....
(She makes as if chasing, but stops, looks at the sky)
OOOh! Fireworks! A perfect night!
(She stops and shivers.)
My goodness, it's almost as if my mother and grandfather were here right now, ready to get some ice cream. On a night like this, they used to say something, what was it? Ooh, the fireworks are making me forget! (Deep breath) Do you want to get some more ice cream? That'll help me remember! Great! If we get two different flavors, can I have a little bite of yours......I'll try to control the slathering lips......
(She walks off, pointing at the fireworks, then stops and turns back)
I remember! Grandpa used to say...(Russian accent) .In your life, make sure you have plenty of summer and fireworks, and....the cones of ice cream!
(She raises her hand as if holding a cone, then exits ...to get more ice cream of course. The end - but never the end of ice cream!)
Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8
- for a whole year!
Note: A few words about 'free' - all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty info.
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
scroll down for the previous days or go to http://www.monologuestore.com/ -click on the Monologue Mania button please scroll down.
To start at the beginning - Feb. 13, - click here.
For a list of the blurbs from each day, click here
Help a playwright and get more great award-winning monologues - MonologueZone.com
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Monologue Mania Day # 166 by Janet S. Tiger The Cones of Ice Cream July 28, 2014
The Cones of Ice Cream(c)
A monologue by Janet S. Tiger
© all rights reserved [email protected]
(A woman eating an ice cream cone is seen finishing the final licks, then popping the tip into her mouth and smiling.)
Ice cream. Summer. You can't go wrong with either of them!
Thanks for walking on the boardwalk with me! I just love this time of year! And in a few minutes they'll have the fireworks! Just like when I was a kid. Only not as long, or as wild, but nothing is the same when you're taller and older, is it?
When I was a little girl, my grandfather used to take us for ice cream whenever he made a few extra dollars at his store. He loved ice cream! He was actually a young man in St. Louis, just here from Russia a few years when they had a World's Fair and the first walk-away cones were invented. He claimed he was the first boy to eat an ice cream cone, but I think that was an exaggeration......he was known for that.
But his love for ice cream was certainly not exaggerated! He would call out for me and my brothers and sisters (imitating Russian accent) 'Come along children, we are the Cohens of St. Louis and we need to get the cones of ice cream!'
My name was Miriam Cohen.....I was the middle child. And his love of ice cream had passed on to all of us, but I got it the worst. I would race to be first in line for the favorite flavor of the week. My older sister Ella only ate chocolate, and David was a vanilla guy, but me, I loved all the flavors, as long as it was cold and fit in a cone!
My mother was horrible about ice cream, she did not understand it at all. Sometimes, because there were seven of us, she would take one of us out all by ourselves, no one else to get any attention. And we could do whatever we wanted. I always picked...you guessed it! Ice Cream!
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! That was the jingle they played at my favorite ice cream place, and my mother would always ask, 'Are you sure you just want ice cream? Not a hamburger? Or a club sandwich at Levine's Deli?' Which is, of course, what she wanted! But I insisted on ice cream, and I would get a triple scoop! And then my mother - who always claimed she didn't like ice cream, so she didn't get her own - would ask if she could have a bite.....
(She looks up in fear)
And how I could say no? I mean, she had paid for the ice cream, how could I deny her just one bite.....so I would say....(like a child) ...ok, mama, but just a little bite....
(She holds up her 'cone' to a much larger mother in the sky)
And there would come her huge slathering lips! And they would come down and.....
(She looks at the cone in horror)
Suddenly, there would be no more ice cream! Just some at the top of the cone......but that was all! I would be horrified, but at least what was left was delicious. And I swore I would never do that to my children.....
(She whirls around, looking down at a child)
Then....I had children and I learned a lot about many things, but about ice cream, suddenly I learned about.........(to the child) ....that's melting dear, you have to lick faster....it's getting all over your arms and your clothing and EAT FASTER!
But I didn't say it out loud....what I said was......
(Looking down at her child, sweeter now)
Honey, may I please have just a little bite of that....it looks so good!
(She leans in and opens her mouth very wide.)
Mmmmmm.....and suddenly I was the huge slathering lips!
(To the child)
There's still lots left - and you have the whole cone! Wait come back, I just want another tiny bite....
(She makes as if chasing, but stops, looks at the sky)
OOOh! Fireworks! A perfect night!
(She stops and shivers.)
My goodness, it's almost as if my mother and grandfather were here right now, ready to get some ice cream. On a night like this, they used to say something, what was it? Ooh, the fireworks are making me forget! (Deep breath) Do you want to get some more ice cream? That'll help me remember! Great! If we get two different flavors, can I have a little bite of yours......I'll try to control the slathering lips......
(She walks off, pointing at the fireworks, then stops and turns back)
I remember! Grandpa used to say...(Russian accent) .In your life, make sure you have plenty of summer and fireworks, and....the cones of ice cream!
(She raises her hand as if holding a cone, then exits ...to get more ice cream of course. The end - but never the end of ice cream!)
Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Swedenborg Hall 2006-8