Welcome to Monologue Mania- one new free monologue a day
- for a whole year!
Note: A few words about 'free' - all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty info.
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
scroll down for the previous days or go to http://www.monologuestore.com/ -click on the Monologue Mania button please scroll down.
To start at the beginning - Feb. 13, - click here.
For a list of the blurbs from each day, click here
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Monologue Mania Day Day # 240 by Janet S. Tiger The Ruler Oct. 10, 2014 The Ruler
A monologue by Janet S. Tiger © all rights reserved [email protected]
(A character comes onstage wearing a suit made of....yes, numbers starting at one by the feet, up to 12 on the head. Very perky)
Yes, my friends, you guessed it. I am.....a ruler. Not the king-y kind, but the number kind.
Some call me other names, but numerically, I am always the same. I am a constant in a changing world. Well, that's not true. I have been many different lengths throughout history. I started out as a way of everyone agreeing on at least one thing - how long I was.
So, I have been all sorts of lengths, from fingers and toes and feet and cubits, but one thing I have had to be is....consistent.
Please remember that when you are yelling at me because you measured incorrectly - as if it was my fault! Or banging me on the table because you think that might improve the measurement- wrong again!
I represent the best in our world - the ability for everyone to agree on even one thing for awhile - and with me comes the keeping of a dream and a hope - that agreement can grow throughout the world. That instead of fighting over silly things, like pieces of earth, and who has a better God.....people will be able to agree about many things - and maybe, I could measure.....instead of pieces of paper....maybe I could measure ....peace.
(Turns to leave, stops, looks back)
So, I guess you could say....I'm hoping to be the ruler....of the world.
(Exits. Not the end for peace)
-------------------------------------- Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315 www.JanetSTiger.weebly.com Member Dramatists Guild since 1983 Playwright-in-Residence Swedenborg Hall 2006-8 --------------------------------------------------------
- for a whole year!
Note: A few words about 'free' - all these monologues are protected under copyright law and are free to read, free to perform and video as long as no money is charged. Once you charge admission or a donation, or include my work in an anthology, you need to contact me for royalty info.
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
scroll down for the previous days or go to http://www.monologuestore.com/ -click on the Monologue Mania button please scroll down.
To start at the beginning - Feb. 13, - click here.
For a list of the blurbs from each day, click here
Help a playwright and get more great award-winning monologues - MonologueZone.com
Thank you for your comments - and for liking and sharing this site ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monologue Mania Day Day # 240 by Janet S. Tiger The Ruler Oct. 10, 2014 The Ruler
A monologue by Janet S. Tiger © all rights reserved [email protected]
(A character comes onstage wearing a suit made of....yes, numbers starting at one by the feet, up to 12 on the head. Very perky)
Yes, my friends, you guessed it. I am.....a ruler. Not the king-y kind, but the number kind.
Some call me other names, but numerically, I am always the same. I am a constant in a changing world. Well, that's not true. I have been many different lengths throughout history. I started out as a way of everyone agreeing on at least one thing - how long I was.
So, I have been all sorts of lengths, from fingers and toes and feet and cubits, but one thing I have had to be is....consistent.
Please remember that when you are yelling at me because you measured incorrectly - as if it was my fault! Or banging me on the table because you think that might improve the measurement- wrong again!
I represent the best in our world - the ability for everyone to agree on even one thing for awhile - and with me comes the keeping of a dream and a hope - that agreement can grow throughout the world. That instead of fighting over silly things, like pieces of earth, and who has a better God.....people will be able to agree about many things - and maybe, I could measure.....instead of pieces of paper....maybe I could measure ....peace.
(Turns to leave, stops, looks back)
So, I guess you could say....I'm hoping to be the ruler....of the world.
(Exits. Not the end for peace)
-------------------------------------- Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315 www.JanetSTiger.weebly.com Member Dramatists Guild since 1983 Playwright-in-Residence Swedenborg Hall 2006-8 --------------------------------------------------------