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Monologue Mania Day# 256 by Janet S. Tiger Mother's Choice Oct. 26, 2014
Mother's Choice (from Frozen)
A monologue by Janet S. Tiger © all rights reserved
[email protected]
(This is a mother, and it shows. She is no longer young, but still has fight left in her. She is tired, and yet, there is a great strength that burns in her, and she is telling the doctor what fuels that strength.)
People ask me if this is my worst nightmare. I tell them my worst nightmare was thinking that my baby boy was dead. Now that I know he's not, this is not a nightmare, it is a journey.
All lives have a journey. Every journey is different.
Is mine worse than a mother who finds out her baby is dead inside of her and that she can have no more children of her own?
I don' think so. I have had my Tommy for 28 years - five have been in this coma, but before that, he was a lively fellow, and I was very proud of him. He was the star running back on the football team. He is a tough but funny young man who loves to laugh.
I say 'is' because I know he is still in there. I can feel it. If I for one moment felt he was dead, I would have let them pull that plug at the very beginning.
But I knew then, and I know now he is my Tommy, and even if every person on this earth told me I was wrong, I would not care.
It's funny, at the very beginning, when he was still healing from the crash, I could tell he didn't want to be alive. I could hear it in my heart. And I would cry when I got home because I didn't want him to see me with doubts. But that was just the pain talking. I knew there would come a day when he would realize that life is better. That every person has a reason for living.
That's why I come every day to talk with him.
Sometimes at the start I hired other people, but I realized that they did not believe like I do, and I never wanted him to feel he was alone.
(This builds) Today he may be unable to move one muscle in his body. He may have to have every physical need attended to by strangers. He may have to eat with a tube and be subjected to every kind of human indignity possible - but he is in there! And one day, he will be better, because I know that there has to be another person who believes like I do, that where there is life, there is hope! I know now that is not you, Dr. Evans, but that does not mean I will give up!
(She takes her coat and puts it on, still angry. She turns to go, stops, looks back)
And if I have to spend every last day of my life to find him, to get a doctor who believes like I do, then that is what my life is to be - that is my journey.
(She exits, end of scene.)
Janet S. Tiger 858-736-6315
Member Dramatists Guild since 1983
Playwright-in-Residence Swedenborg Hall 2006-8 --------------------------------------------------------