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Apr. 10, 2014 Day #57 By Janet S. Tiger © 2014 all rights reserved Monologue Mania
Mono Blog (for the Senior Channel)(c)
By Janet S. Tiger
© 2014 all rights reserved
[email protected]
(Girl comes onstage, she is late teens, still a tiny bit edgy)
Hi! I know I seem a little bit young for the Senior Channel, but I am a senior in High School, and my mom is a senior and she said that what I could share would help seniors, so that’s why I’m here, because I had mono, you know, infectious mononucleosis……and when seniors get mono it can be serious….and I had some good ideas about getting through it. So here I am…
Hey, I didn’t even have a boyfriend when I got mono! But everybody made jokes, you know, because it’s called the kissing disease.
I guess that’s better than an STD, right?
(She giggles, looks embarrassed for a moment, then gets a hold of herself)
But I was so sick! I mean, I could not get out of bed! Now sometimes I just don’t get out of bed, but this was different, I literally could not move! I thought if the house is on fire or something, like an earthquake, what do I do? I would just be, you know, buried in the debris because I didn’t have the energy to get out of bed and save myself!
I have never been so sick! Even when I had strep throat, I could still move around. It hurt, really bad, but after they gave me the antibiotics, it was ok. And when I got my tattoo, well that didn’t even hurt as much as my throat, but anyhow, I was very sick.
Even when I started to get better, I didn’t have a lot of energy, and my mom was worried, so she got me this…thing….
(She holds up a book)
All of you probably know what this is. ….It’s like a retro blog…..they used to call it a journal, and you write in it every day and hope no one finds it, because it has this really flimsy lock.
(She illustrates by opening up the journal)
I mean you might as well put your password on as 123!
Anyhow, I started writing in it. I hadn’t written so much since third grade! That’s when they made us learn cursive, which is like dinosaur writing now, right? (Thinks) My grandmother’s handwriting is so nice, I suppose a lot of you watching have good handwriting, but I mean, who writes a book by hand anymore when you have a computer?
But sitting up at the computer took too much energy, so I started doing this, and it was different. Like seeing your words come out on screen is one thing, but when you put them on paper, it’s like (she searches for the words)…..like, the words are really part of you …..in a different way.
And, I started thinking about all the things that are different now. I mean, George Washington didn’t have electricity or drones or a computer back in those days, he used a pen – ok, it was one of those feather pen things, but it was like me, using a pen…..with ink, ink that gets on your fingers and your clothes.
And I wondered what he was thinking, when he was the President, and wrote the Constitution, you know…..(thinking)…well, maybe he didn’t write it, I can’t remember, but I think he signed it….and maybe one day, someone will read this journal….
It’s like I was connected to everyone who ever wrote something with a pen…..like Louisa May Alcott, or Jane Austen….I liked their books!
It looks different when you don’t have to print it to see it in your hands….and mistakes are different, too… not like spellcheck which fixes all that stuff, every mistake stays there, so people can see it, like forever. All your problems, saved.
Anyhow, here’s the funny thing. I decided to do a blog about this….and I called it…’Mono Blog’ and it turns out a lotta people have mono – and I put up some of the ideas on how to get through it, and some doctors group contacted me, and now I kinda work for them, because the blog is really popular!
But I do love writing the old time way – and I still do it, every night. And, if you get sick, it’s a really good way to pass the time. So, maybe, when you get a chance, all of you guys can do a journal, like in the olden days!
(She giggles and goes to leave, turns back)
I almost forgot!....…So that’s not the funny part….
One guy who wrote to the blog sounded nice, not like some old guy pretending to be young, those are freaks! No, this guy asked where I went to school, and even though my Mom said never tell stuff like that…. I told him, and guess what? You’ll never guess! He goes to my school! And his name is Kelso, and we met up at lunch, and now we’re kinda going together!
So that was the funny thing…..I didn’t get mono from my boyfriend, I got a boyfriend from my mono…..blog!
(She giggles and almost skips off. The end)
If you just started this blog and want to read the earlier monologues, please
scroll down for the previous days or go to http://www.monologuestore.com/ -click on the Monologue Mania button please scroll down.
To start at the beginning - Feb. 13, - click here.
For a list of the blurbs from each day, click here
Help a playwright and get more great award-winning monologues - MonologueZone.comThank you for your comments - and for liking and sharing this site!
Apr. 10, 2014 Day #57 By Janet S. Tiger © 2014 all rights reserved Monologue Mania
Mono Blog (for the Senior Channel)(c)
By Janet S. Tiger
© 2014 all rights reserved
[email protected]
(Girl comes onstage, she is late teens, still a tiny bit edgy)
Hi! I know I seem a little bit young for the Senior Channel, but I am a senior in High School, and my mom is a senior and she said that what I could share would help seniors, so that’s why I’m here, because I had mono, you know, infectious mononucleosis……and when seniors get mono it can be serious….and I had some good ideas about getting through it. So here I am…
Hey, I didn’t even have a boyfriend when I got mono! But everybody made jokes, you know, because it’s called the kissing disease.
I guess that’s better than an STD, right?
(She giggles, looks embarrassed for a moment, then gets a hold of herself)
But I was so sick! I mean, I could not get out of bed! Now sometimes I just don’t get out of bed, but this was different, I literally could not move! I thought if the house is on fire or something, like an earthquake, what do I do? I would just be, you know, buried in the debris because I didn’t have the energy to get out of bed and save myself!
I have never been so sick! Even when I had strep throat, I could still move around. It hurt, really bad, but after they gave me the antibiotics, it was ok. And when I got my tattoo, well that didn’t even hurt as much as my throat, but anyhow, I was very sick.
Even when I started to get better, I didn’t have a lot of energy, and my mom was worried, so she got me this…thing….
(She holds up a book)
All of you probably know what this is. ….It’s like a retro blog…..they used to call it a journal, and you write in it every day and hope no one finds it, because it has this really flimsy lock.
(She illustrates by opening up the journal)
I mean you might as well put your password on as 123!
Anyhow, I started writing in it. I hadn’t written so much since third grade! That’s when they made us learn cursive, which is like dinosaur writing now, right? (Thinks) My grandmother’s handwriting is so nice, I suppose a lot of you watching have good handwriting, but I mean, who writes a book by hand anymore when you have a computer?
But sitting up at the computer took too much energy, so I started doing this, and it was different. Like seeing your words come out on screen is one thing, but when you put them on paper, it’s like (she searches for the words)…..like, the words are really part of you …..in a different way.
And, I started thinking about all the things that are different now. I mean, George Washington didn’t have electricity or drones or a computer back in those days, he used a pen – ok, it was one of those feather pen things, but it was like me, using a pen…..with ink, ink that gets on your fingers and your clothes.
And I wondered what he was thinking, when he was the President, and wrote the Constitution, you know…..(thinking)…well, maybe he didn’t write it, I can’t remember, but I think he signed it….and maybe one day, someone will read this journal….
It’s like I was connected to everyone who ever wrote something with a pen…..like Louisa May Alcott, or Jane Austen….I liked their books!
It looks different when you don’t have to print it to see it in your hands….and mistakes are different, too… not like spellcheck which fixes all that stuff, every mistake stays there, so people can see it, like forever. All your problems, saved.
Anyhow, here’s the funny thing. I decided to do a blog about this….and I called it…’Mono Blog’ and it turns out a lotta people have mono – and I put up some of the ideas on how to get through it, and some doctors group contacted me, and now I kinda work for them, because the blog is really popular!
But I do love writing the old time way – and I still do it, every night. And, if you get sick, it’s a really good way to pass the time. So, maybe, when you get a chance, all of you guys can do a journal, like in the olden days!
(She giggles and goes to leave, turns back)
I almost forgot!....…So that’s not the funny part….
One guy who wrote to the blog sounded nice, not like some old guy pretending to be young, those are freaks! No, this guy asked where I went to school, and even though my Mom said never tell stuff like that…. I told him, and guess what? You’ll never guess! He goes to my school! And his name is Kelso, and we met up at lunch, and now we’re kinda going together!
So that was the funny thing…..I didn’t get mono from my boyfriend, I got a boyfriend from my mono…..blog!
(She giggles and almost skips off. The end)