Some of you reading this may have performed my work, like THE TOWEL LADY, or the 'Blood' monologue from TRANSFUSION which have been published and produced all over the world (including places as diverse as Jakarta and the Kennedy Center!) Since starting my first website a few years back -, I have also offered my new monologues to all actors - as a thank you, and to see how they would run on stage.
Actors have been very helpful - I have a great admiration for all those who stand on a stage to entertain. Without you, my words are just letters on a page.
For the last few years, I have wanted to see if I could write one new complete monologue per day - and today I made the decision that this is the time to start. So, I hereby make a commitment, and I am commencing on a journey to write, every day for the next 365 days, one complete monologue every day.
I realize that some days may come where I cannot do this - those who know me are aware that I have a lot of obligations (an 89-year-old father, a husband who had a stroke) but if I cannot do a monologue on a specific day, I will try to catch up by doing an extra one in the week following.
Each monologue will be able to stand on its own - I will have some for men, some for women, others where it won't matter which gender.
I am offering them to all the actors in the world for free for this next year - for all classroom assignments, auditions, and showcases where no tickets or donations are charged. And if you want to videotape, you hereby have permission (as long as you give credit and link to my website) and my encouragement. Please spread the word - my monologues have been done all over the world - these are new, and I would love to hear how they do. (And if you like my work, I have lots of tried and true monologues elsewhere on my sites -
and The among others.)
And a big thank you to my grandmother - my first inspiration, to all my family and friends, who have supported my writing throughout the years, and to all who come on this journey with me!
I am going to start this year with a monologue called -
NAKED ON STAGE by Janet S. Tiger (c) all rights reserved Feb. 13, 2014.
(A young woman comes onstage, she is beaming. She looks around and waves at the audience, she is exuberant..)
Hi! Hi!
I can't believe this! I have dreamed of being in front of an audience like this for years! My first show! What a dream! It's so real, it feels just like I am actually here!
Look at this! i know if I was actually awake, i would be SO nervous I couldn't even think straight, but wow, in a dream, I have all the confidence in the world....
Boy, is it warm ....I think this is the warmest summer we've ever must be like 95 in here, even with the Air conditioning!
But you know what, since, it's a dream, I could take off my pants......
(She removes her pants, starts laughing.)
I have had dreams like this since I was a kid - walking down the street with no clothes and no one pays attention!
But now, oh, this will make tomorrow so much easier.....
I will just float on....and will deliver my lines.....
(She throws out her arms as if she has finished a great oration, then bows.)
Thank you, I love you all!
(She takes off as much clothing as she wants......)
Oh, that feels fantastic! I'm free! What a fabulous dream!
(She dances around the stage, and then, when- hopefully- the audience is laughing at her or reacting in some way, she starts to notice them.)
Wait a minute....just wait a little minute....usually no one notices in my dreams when I have no clothes......
(She goes to the front of the stage, peers at the crowd.)
Oh, my can't be....I don't it possible....that this is not a dream....
(She pinches herself and yelps.)
(She now grabs her clothes off the stage, putting them on rapidly...and runs off, stopping to look back)
I hope this won't affect the reviews.....
(She exits, the end.)